Consumer Prices in Kitakyushu

Among 20 ordinance-designated cities with a population of more than 500,000 in Japan, Kitakyushu has the lowest consumer prices, with an index of 97.2 against the national average of 100.

Major Consumer Prices in Kitakyushu
(December 2017)

  • Rice (5 kg): 2,054 yen
  • Egg (10 pieces):224 yen
  • Toilet paper (12 rolls): 253 yen
  • Milk (1,000 ml): 220 yen
  • Cabbage (1 kg): 241 yen
  • Automobile gasoline (1 L): 134 yen
Data: 2016 Regional Difference Index of Consumer Prices, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
Source: Portal Site of Official Statistics of Japan
Monthly living expenses of international students (excluding school expenses)
National average of monthly spending by category (excluding school expenses)
Source: 2015 Self-supporting Foreign International Student Living Conditions Survey (JASSO)
*At a rate of 114 yen per U.S. dollar

Living Costs in Kitakyushu City

Interviews with international students in Kitakyushu about their monthly expenditure, which will be helpful for prospective international students to know the actual living expenses in Kitakyushu.

  Residence status Housing, utilities (per month)
Student A
Living alone in private accommodation ¥35,000~¥45,000
Student B
Living with a roommate in private accommodation ¥15,000~¥35,000
Student C
Living alone in a student dormitory ¥20,000~¥40,000
Student D
Living with a roommate in a student dormitory ¥10,000~¥20,000
Food (per month) ¥20,000~¥30,000
Mobile phone, recreation, etc. (per month) ¥10,000~¥30,000
Examples of accommodation costs for international students living in Kitakyushu City

Mobile Phone

To conclude a mobile phone contract in Japan, you will need your bankbook and personal seal, or credit card. In Japan, in addition to major mobile carriers, there are low-cost mobile virtual network operators.

Some carriers offer installment payment plans that divide up the price of the phone into monthly payments over a certain period, but you may be required to sign an at least a two-year contract. So if you plan to study in Japan for a short time, please check the details when signing a mobile contract.

Monthly Mobile Phone Charges

Typical monthly mobile phone charges in Japan are as follows. Monthly charges vary depending on the model purchased and the contract plan. Check the details carefully with the shop.

  • Major mobile phone carriers: 7,000 yen/month
  • Low-cost SIM/smartphone service providers: from 2000 yen /month

Wi-Fi map

Withdrawal and Transfer of Money

Deposits and withdrawals of money can be made easily. If you have a bank card or post office card, you can deposit or withdraw money easily from ATMs in convenience stores, etc.

Part-time Work

To work part-time, international students and their spouses must first apply for “Permission to Engage in Activity Other Than That Permitted under the Status of Residence Previously Granted.” If you work part-time without permission, you will be regarded as working illegally and will be punished with either up to three years’ imprisonment or up to a 3 million yen fine. In the worst case, you will be forced to leave Japan. Be sure to apply to the nearest Regional Immigration Bureau to obtain permission before starting a job.

Conditions for Part-Time Work

Part-time work is allowed for international students to help cover school fees and living expenses. But you should be aware that you are allowed to work part-time for limited work hours only—no more than 28 hours per week (no more than 8 hours per day during long holiday periods). You should also remember that it is prohibited by law for international students to work in the adult entertainment industry.

In Order to Avoid Trouble

When starting a part-time job, make notes on the labor conditions as much as you can. If you are injured or involved in an accident during work or on the way to work, consult with your supervisor immediately.


  • Work content
  • Work place
  • Wages
  • Working hours
  • Pperiod of employment
  • Wage payment method and date
  • Rules for leaving a job
  • Name and telephone number of the person in charge of your employment


According to Fiscal 2017 Kitakyushu City’s International Student Survey0 – less than 50,000 yen per month: 17.0%; 50,000 yen or more – less than 10,000 yen: 50.3%;10,000 yen or more – less than 150,000 yen: 15.7%; 150,000 yen or more: 4.7%

Minimum hourly wages in Fukuoka Prefecture: 814 yen/hour
(Revised on October 1, 2018)
814 yen x 28 hours a week x 4 weeks ≒ about 91,000 yen/month

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